I woke up to discover I'd been tagged in the night. No, I've not got an ASBO, it was the work of Maisy 'cos I'm her new bestest friend (I told her she looked 25... it works every time!) Simply-Maisy
The price for this dubious honour includes, amongst other things... of which I will come to later: disclosing six revealing facts about myself to the worldwide web and his wife.
Hold on while I make strong black coffee and oven warmed Pain au chocolat for sustenance... and time to think!
*fills kettle and sets oven to 200°c*
5 minutes later... just waiting for my Pain Au Chocolat
10 minutes later... won't be a sec, just picking the crumbs off my shirt
12 1/2 minutes later... OK don't rush me, I'm coming!
Who's playing for time.... me never!!
OK, here we go...
Interesting facts:
1. I talk to myself. But more importantly, I answer myself too. No point in having a one way conversation, is there!
2. I met a famous writer cottaging in the country. Lovely man who invited me into his weekend retreat and gave me a signed photo. We discussed his latest work, and my creative writing classes.
3. Feeling we had forged a mutual bond, I took the liberty of sending him a piece of my writing to critique. He was very lovely about it, suggesting many ways it could be improved.
4. I remain embarrassed to this day
5. I have felt old since I was a child. Turning 50 recently, I felt I had finally come of age.
6. I've had more Internet dates than I've had hot dinners... I do eat a lot of salad!
Now for the boring bit:
The Rules of Tagging:
1. Rules may be changed at any time without notice. (I just made that up 'cos I'm a control freak). *Count that extra fact as a bonus*
2. Link to the person who tagged me *Would I dare not to?*
3. Post the rules on my blog *Doing it as we speak* (see fact No1)
4. Write six random/revealing facts about myself (see above)
5. Tag six people at the end of my post and link to them *more coffee and Pain au chocolat whilst I have a think*
6. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog *This is sounding like hard work*
7. Let the Tagger know when my post is up *consider it done*
I have tagged:
1. Bigbluebed
2. Cowisland
3. Boojewels
4. MrSeb
5. Dinky-Daisy
6. AREJewellery
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Me, Bailey, the chocolate bar, and why I won't go to heaven!
Just back from a lovely walk in the local countryside. This is a daily ritual... the morning walk to ease me into the day. Many is the time I dread hauling my aching body out of bed to trudge through sticky mud. I'm an all weather walker, not like many who only get their fix of fresh air when the sun shines... although the sun did come out to play with me today!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not fanatical about health and fitness, good grief no... but there is a very good reason I put my old and knackered body through this punishing regime. I have a Labrador, and I take my dog ownership responsibilities very seriously! There's times I've been so crippled in pain I've hobbled along on crutches. But he's the love of my life and I'd do anything to make him happy! Well, when I say anything, I do have my limits... nobody gets to share my Thornton's chocolates...not even Bailey! Besides, chocolate isn't good for dogs... what a shame.
Talking of which... we were ambling along, my four legged friend and I, approaching a girl sitting on a bench, her bike propped up against it as she took a breather. Bailey's sudden enthusiasm to greet her took us both by surprise, as he rushed up alongside her, making her jump out of her skin! Then as quick as a flash, his head darted under the crossbar of the bike and his impressively long tongue flicked forward like a Chameleon's, to swipe at a chocolate bar she had put down on the bench. I mean, I ask you, who in their right mind would unwrap a chocolate bar and put it down on a smelly old bench that's had countless bottoms on sat upon it... some undoubtedly naked judging by the remoteness of the place!
Anyway, equally as quick off the mark, she grabbed it and shoved it in her pocket, as we both gushed our apologies... her, because she said chocolate was dangerous for dogs, and me, as I explained he'd licked it and she might not want to eat it afterall. But that didn't seem to bother as she clung on to it. Needless to say, Bailey wasn't at all impressed as he dived into her pocket nosefirst to try and grab it back.
On we plodded, and I detected a very autumnal feel in the air. It doesn't seem two minutes since I planted tiny spring kisses on tight new buds. This is another of my rituals... kissing virgin buds as they emerge from the tips of stark winter twigs. They hold such promise of brighter things to come, so I thank them with little kisses, after first checking no one's looking... I might be daft, but I'm not stupid!
So I was a little surprised to see that lady autumn had put in an appearance and ushered summer out the door. She'd curled the leaves and turned their tips gold and bronze...

She'd tipped the twigs with little fuzzy acorn caps...

Swept the carpet of buttercups, leaving just a few dotted here and there...

Scattered baby conkers on the ground...

Laden down the bushes with juicy ripe Winberries...

But she's a little late plumping up the Blackberries, so it'll be mid September before Bailey goes Blackberry picking...

Seriously, Bailey goes Blackberry picking every autumn. He looks so cute as he makes his way along the edge of the woods, nibbling blackberries from the brambles with his tiny front teeth. He prefers to find them himself than feed from my hand. Well he needs his five a day! He loves his fruit and veg, and has carrots, cauliflower and broccoli with his dinner and tea every day. Oh and the odd chocolate bar... if he's lucky!
I'd like to say that no living things were harmed in the making of this blog... but I can't. Once again I forgot to take my camera on our walk, so mother nature loaned me a few of her offerings to bring back home. I hate picking wild flowers, but as buttercups are freely available I took the liberty of picking one... all the other bits and bobs were found on the ground, except the winberries which were ripe for picking, oh and the fuzzy acorns, which will never mature now, so the squirrels won't have enough food and will starve to death during the cold winter months.
*Note to self: "Remember your camera next time!"
Don't get me wrong, I'm not fanatical about health and fitness, good grief no... but there is a very good reason I put my old and knackered body through this punishing regime. I have a Labrador, and I take my dog ownership responsibilities very seriously! There's times I've been so crippled in pain I've hobbled along on crutches. But he's the love of my life and I'd do anything to make him happy! Well, when I say anything, I do have my limits... nobody gets to share my Thornton's chocolates...not even Bailey! Besides, chocolate isn't good for dogs... what a shame.
Talking of which... we were ambling along, my four legged friend and I, approaching a girl sitting on a bench, her bike propped up against it as she took a breather. Bailey's sudden enthusiasm to greet her took us both by surprise, as he rushed up alongside her, making her jump out of her skin! Then as quick as a flash, his head darted under the crossbar of the bike and his impressively long tongue flicked forward like a Chameleon's, to swipe at a chocolate bar she had put down on the bench. I mean, I ask you, who in their right mind would unwrap a chocolate bar and put it down on a smelly old bench that's had countless bottoms on sat upon it... some undoubtedly naked judging by the remoteness of the place!
Anyway, equally as quick off the mark, she grabbed it and shoved it in her pocket, as we both gushed our apologies... her, because she said chocolate was dangerous for dogs, and me, as I explained he'd licked it and she might not want to eat it afterall. But that didn't seem to bother as she clung on to it. Needless to say, Bailey wasn't at all impressed as he dived into her pocket nosefirst to try and grab it back.
On we plodded, and I detected a very autumnal feel in the air. It doesn't seem two minutes since I planted tiny spring kisses on tight new buds. This is another of my rituals... kissing virgin buds as they emerge from the tips of stark winter twigs. They hold such promise of brighter things to come, so I thank them with little kisses, after first checking no one's looking... I might be daft, but I'm not stupid!
So I was a little surprised to see that lady autumn had put in an appearance and ushered summer out the door. She'd curled the leaves and turned their tips gold and bronze...
She'd tipped the twigs with little fuzzy acorn caps...
Swept the carpet of buttercups, leaving just a few dotted here and there...
Scattered baby conkers on the ground...
Laden down the bushes with juicy ripe Winberries...
But she's a little late plumping up the Blackberries, so it'll be mid September before Bailey goes Blackberry picking...
Seriously, Bailey goes Blackberry picking every autumn. He looks so cute as he makes his way along the edge of the woods, nibbling blackberries from the brambles with his tiny front teeth. He prefers to find them himself than feed from my hand. Well he needs his five a day! He loves his fruit and veg, and has carrots, cauliflower and broccoli with his dinner and tea every day. Oh and the odd chocolate bar... if he's lucky!
I'd like to say that no living things were harmed in the making of this blog... but I can't. Once again I forgot to take my camera on our walk, so mother nature loaned me a few of her offerings to bring back home. I hate picking wild flowers, but as buttercups are freely available I took the liberty of picking one... all the other bits and bobs were found on the ground, except the winberries which were ripe for picking, oh and the fuzzy acorns, which will never mature now, so the squirrels won't have enough food and will starve to death during the cold winter months.
*Note to self: "Remember your camera next time!"
All Round the UK - with a twist!
This Treasury lark is addictive... they should come with a warning! I made my second one this week, "All Round the UK" featuring, as the title implies, the talents of UK Etsians, but with a twist.... well, not a twist exactly,more a spiral/circle!
You can check it out here:
I took delivery of a lovely stash of beads earlier this week and have had fun playing with them. I made my first sterling silver link wrapped bracelet with lovely deep raspberry red colour washed beads and red Czech glass flowers. I was really happy with the result.

I absolutely love the beads in the earrings below. They're faux amber vintage lucite, and are so smooth with a gorgeous deep colour. Their beautiful simplicity is so striking, I didn't feel they needed anything else. I fell in love with them, so I made a pair for myself too!
Amber Lucite Earrings:
You can check it out here:
I took delivery of a lovely stash of beads earlier this week and have had fun playing with them. I made my first sterling silver link wrapped bracelet with lovely deep raspberry red colour washed beads and red Czech glass flowers. I was really happy with the result.

I absolutely love the beads in the earrings below. They're faux amber vintage lucite, and are so smooth with a gorgeous deep colour. Their beautiful simplicity is so striking, I didn't feel they needed anything else. I fell in love with them, so I made a pair for myself too!
Amber Lucite Earrings:

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